Tips for Improve the Wire EDM Filters cutting precision

Tips for Improve the Wire EDM Filters cutting precision

Cutting speed on a Wire EDM can be effected by a variety of different things.  Below is a list of things to check if you are looking to increase your cutting speed.

Flushing: One of the biggest determining factors on how fast you can cut with your EDM is flushing.  Make sure both your top and bottom flush cups are in good shape and don’t have any cracks or chips in them.  Different sized flush cups are also available depending on your application to help increase flushing.

Power Contacts: Index your carbides to a fresh spot and make sure there is good, clean contact between the wire and the carbide.  If you notice a deep grove in the carbide either index it to a new position or replace it.

Power / Ground Cables: Power and Ground cables will effect your cutting speeds over time.  After long periods of use the cables begin to corrode and will slowly start causing your machine to run slower.  With normal use we usually recommend replacing these cables every 1-2 years.

Water Quality: The cleanliness of your water can play a roll in cutting speeds.  By changing the conductivity of the water you can slightly increase your cutting speed.  How ever this may cause a change in over burn and effect the machines accuracy so use caution when adjusting this.

Coated Wires: One of the easiest ways to increase EDM Filters cutting speeds is to use specially coated wires.  Up to a 30% increase in cutting speeds can be achieved by using some specially coated wires over plain brass.  There are a variety of coatings available on the market depending on your specific machine, cutting conditions, and application.  Contact us with questions on the best wire for your application.