You have met TAGUTI Molybdenum wire in DMC 2015

You have met TAGUTI Molybdenum wire in DMC 2015

Hello old friend and new friend! Welcome to “ A Talk A Week” from TAGUTI EDM Co., Ltd in China. I am Amy, your EDM consumables supplier in Suzhou.
TAGUTI has attended ” China International Exhibition on Manufacturing Technology, Equipment and Die & Mould” and ” Forming Technology, Precision Manufacturing, Complete Equipment” It is short for “DMC2015”. The date is May 25th-28th,2015. So when I look back now, I find everything seems like a dream. Correctly, two dreams. Because we have attended two shows in April and later a month in May. They are “CIMT2015” and “DMC2015”, the former one is in Beijing and the latter one is in Shanghai. We have gained so much from them. And if you remember that I have written several articles about the shows. So just after the “DMC 2015” in Shanghai, I just want to write an article about one of our products. Do not guess, it is one of our hot-sell product—Molybdenum wire.

molybdenum wires

molybdenum wires supplier


You must  see the first photo in our booth, but the second one that you may miss the scene. Haha, do you know who is behind of the boxes? It is our boss–Mr. Zhang. We were taking photos for one of my clients.
Let’s look at the first photo, the two kind of boxes, many clients came here. Wow! Molybdenum wire.Yes. But what is the difference between the boxes? Of course, the same quality moly wires is put into the two boxes. But the red one is for foreign clients, and the other orange one is for domestic clients. Which one do you like? What can you see from our package in the No.2 photo. You can see some simple introduce about our Molybdenum wire. The main content, and even in the back you can see our products. Yes, we can supply the wire for you. And it is one of our hot-sell products.

You may scan our website, do you find some info. About molybdenum wire? I think the answer is sure. We have published some articles about it. You can search them written by me or my colleague.

But how can we make you believe that our TAGUTI Molybdenum wire is good? Actually, I don’t know, I think you also don’t know that. But your machine can tell you about that. So if you have high-speed EDM machine, I think you can test our wire.

OK, thanks! This is your friend, Amy from “ A Talk A Week” of TAGUTI EDM Co., Ltd in China. See you next week!